Mar 31, 2010

Obama's Big Red Flag

Obama's announcement today reversing a ban on offshore oil drilling has red flags flying throughout the Conservative community. Why would he trample on the environmentalist wackos who feverishly supported him? I am convinced that its not to benefit the American economy.

"We're announcing the expansion of offshore oil and gas exploration but in ways that balance the need to harness
domestic energy resources and the need to protect America's natural resources," Obama said.

The truly odd thing is where drilling is allowed- only on the eastern seaboard. Even though drill rigs off the California coast are currently capped and ready to produce, he opted for new drilling in the East.  So why?

With Obama, it must be political. Why would an avowed progressive, anti-capitalism president allow drilling? I believe it's an attempt to lure independents back into the Obama fold, particularly moderate east-coast Republican leaders that Obama needs to pass the cap and tax bill. It is very likely that he will begin campaigning on the virtues of that bill and how his new drilling policy will offset any pain the bill will create.

Suspicious? You bet. Skeptical? Guilty. Disbelieving? With every word that spews from his mouth.

Mar 30, 2010

Two Wrongs Make a Right?

A man goes before the judge in a murder trial. He does not deny that he killed the other man in cold blood.

"How do you plead?" the judge asked.
     "Not guilty, your honor" he replied.
"But you admitted to killing him. How can you plead not guilty?" she asked.
     " Its simple," he replied. That other guy killed someone, so I figure its okay that I did it too!"

Today, Obama's political hack David Axelrod attempted to defend Obama's appointment of 15 federal board and agency ends while congress is on recess, a move ensuring that Republicans will not have a chance to review and either approve or oppose the appointee's.

His primary defense: Bush did it. I loved president Bush, but I did not condone his recess appoints, and I certainly believe Obama is wrong. This is exactly the kind of political posturing and, frankly, backroom dealing that makes us little people despise politicians. Shame on you President Obama.

Mar 29, 2010

Blood Money for Votes?

Rep. Bart Stupak's dramatic 11th hour agreement to sign the Obamacare bill left most pro-life voters in a rage. Up untile the last minute, Stupak vowed that he and the ten other so-called "blue-dog democrats" would not, under any circumstances sign the bill unless it included specific language banning federal funds for abortion. Right before the house vote, Stupak announce that he and the others would go ahead and support the bill because Obama agreed to sign an Executive Order assuring Stupak that no funding would got to abortion.

The most stunning fact is that the executive order cannot prevent such spending because it cannot override law. So why did they sign?

It was announced today that Stupak and the others have requested $3.4 billion in earmarks for pet projects back home. Of course, they all deny that there is a connection. Stupak's spokeswoman Michelle Benoche stated "the congressman's vote for health care has no connection to annual appropriations requests. Appropriations requests were submitted on Monday, March 22, because that is the deadline of the Appropriations Committee."

What a coincidence! I totally believe her, don't you?

Internet Fraud

I usually don't post personal information, but I want to give you a heads up about possible Ebay fraud. I have been an Ebay seller since 1999, and in thousands of transactions, I have only been screwed twice- once with a bounced check and once when a seller only sent half the items I bought. On Saturday, I was hit with a bad one. Among the things I am selling, I have several domain names (this one was A8M.COM).

An Ebay buyer purchased the domain name on Saturday for $1250.00. They sent the payment immediately via PayPal and we actually used some of that money for purchases.Since everything matched (name, verified address, etc.) I transferred the domain name  to the Ebay buyer's GoDaddy account. 

On Monday morning, I received a notice from Ebay that the auction had been reversed due to a hacker illegally using the buyers Ebay account. His PayPal account was hacked as well, so the payment funds were removed from my received funds. Unfortunately for me, I used some of the money immediately, and now I am in debt to PayPal. As it turns out, even the GoDaddy domain account IN THE EBAY BUYER'S NAME with the correct name and address was a fake account used to trick me into making the transfer.

GoDaddy is telling me that there is nothing they can do to return my domain name to me, even though the transaction was based on fraudulent information

Please understand- I love Ebay and PayPal. This incident just shows the risks of identity fraud and the problems it can cause if you are a victim.

Mar 28, 2010

Two Wrongs Make a Right?

Am man goes before the judge in a murder trial. He does not deny that he killed the other man in cold blood.

"How do you plead?" the judge asked.
     "Not guilty, your honor" he replied.
"But you admitted to killing him. How can you plead not guilty?" she asked.
     " Its simple," he replied. That other guy killed someone, so I figure its okay that I did it too!"

Today, Obama's political hack David Axelrod attempted to defend Obama's appointment of 15 federal board and agency eads while congree is on recess, a move ensuring that Republicans will not have a chance to review and either approve or oppose the appointee's.

His primary defense: Bush did it. I loved president Bush, but I did not condone his recess appoints, and I certainly believe Obama is wrong. This is exactly the kind of political posturing and, frankly, backroom dealing that makes us little people despise politicians. Shame on you President Obama.

Mar 27, 2010

It's all America's Fault

Did you know that we are the root of all evil in the world today? Al Gore and his cronies claim that our greedy people are destroying the environment with pollution, cars, working, and even breathing (as in carbon dioxide). We made a deal with the Russians to reduce our nuclear arsenal because the world sees us as the bully on the block.

Last week, Hillary Clinton went to Mexico and proclaimed that the cause of the Mexican drug wars was America's insatiable appetite for drugs.  Today, Obama's Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowse confirmed Clinton's statement stating that the U.S. is “a large consumer nation” of drugs. Of course, he did confirm that Obama was on the job, working hard to "combat the problem."

What's next- that we caused AIDS, global hunger, and the price of tea in CHina? Oh yeah, we've already been accused of those things.

Revealing the True Socialist Message

"Too often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind," he said. "Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America."

This is how Max Baucus, D-Montana portrayed the "fix-it" bill passed by the Senate in the wake of Obamacare passing the house. Wake up people- do you need more proof that they have a socialist agenda?

Another Nail in the Economic Coffin

The Obama administration announces today it is poised to "help" distressed homeowners by forcing banks to modify home loans or to accept partial payments for an extended period of time. Is this a welcomed reprieve or another political stunt aimed at quelling angry middle-class America?

The move is timed to correspond with the November mid-term election, and even though it may give temporary relief to some 200,000 to 1 million homeowners, the long-term economic costs could be a devastating chink in our financial foundation. Once again, our government is stepping inside the free-market circle to "regulate" and "assist" in an ailing market. But what happens to the banks and mortgage lenders?

They stand to lose billions in loan revenue which will further drive up our unemployment levels. More people will lose their jobs resulting in more people being unable to pay their mortgages resulting in more people getting the government assistance resulting in further job losses resulting in more people being unable..... I think you get the point.

By the way, when did we start rewarding people who didn't keep their contractual promises?

Mar 25, 2010

The Castro Seal of Approval

Less than a day after Obama strong-armed passage of the Euro-socialist style health care bill, he received the highest compliment possible from a contemporary. Fidel Castro, Cuba's cantankerous Communist leader praised his vision and leadership.

Of course, he did chide America that Cuba has been far ahead of us in terms of providing health care. Somehow, I don't think too many Americans would want to move to Cuba for health care, or anything else for that matter.

Nevertheless, I am sure that Obama is tickled pink hat he is now held in high regard by Castro. After all, it is always best to be judged by your peers.

Mar 24, 2010

Obama's Big "OOPS"

Amid all the hype and pompous circumstance surrounding the newly enacted health care takeover bill, one of Obama's core promises got left out. He made a big deal about how the new legislation will ensure that no child will ever go without health care due to a pre-existing condition.


The new law sort of forgot to include that promise. Now, Democrats are scrambling to give Obama some CYA. It seems that the pre-existing condition clause only covers children currently with insurance. It allows the insurance companies to reject new coverage for those children.

Please understand- I am not advocating more government control. I say leave it stand. But it showcases the bumbling inexperience and intellectual dishonesty of this fledgling president and his accomplices in the congress.

Mar 23, 2010

Evil Tanning Salon People

I forgot to ask this question: Can you say sin tax?

Obama's 10 Percent Solution

The Obama administration has solved the whole health care funding crisis. It's the 10 percent solution! Effective today, all indoor tanning salons are required to charge a 10 percent tax on service fees. Thank god. I was starting to really worry. After all, tanners are the primary cause of excessive insurance premiums, lack of coverage for the poor, and the abuse of our medical services.

Wait, I just thought of something. What about the tanning salon owners? Let's follow the map. Customers now have to pay more for services, so fewer people will want to spend more money for a tan. Also, the salon will have to pay a little more in expenses because they will have to administer the collection of the tax.

Hmmm- less business and higher expenses. That sounds like the salon owners will now bring in less money. Less money means cost cuts, like, lets say, cutting employee hours or laying off employees. These employees now have less money, and some won't be able to afford health care. They will have to rely on the Obama administration to provide health care for them. The more people that rely on the government for health care, the less likely they are to vote against those who give them the health care. Instant dependency class.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

The Audacity of Hate

Barack Obama has proclaimed his disgust for the American Way. Like Castro and even Hitler before him, he demonizes one portion of the citizenry, in this case its the evil insurance companies, to aggrandize himself with another group.

Now, all of those hard working citizens who work for and support the insurance companies will be hurt, adding to the common misery of joblessness and income loss. Perhaps they believe that these people need to feel the pain of the "don't haves." Is it part of the grand design? Possibly. More people dependent upon the government equals greater government power.

Don't give up now. Keep the heat on and push your representatives. It is not too late to take back our country!

Mar 22, 2010

Welcome to the USSR of A

While many European and previously "3rd World" nations are making historic strides toward democracy, we have just been handed a painful setback by the Obama administration and their lackeys in Congress.

This beast of a freedom-sucking health care debacle has dramatically increased the hold our government has on each individual citizen.  The dirty little not-so-secret of the bill lies in it's enforcement- through the IRS. Yes, that's right. Not only can the IRS beat us down for tax revenues, but now they will enforce the new health care mandates through its formidable investigative and punitive powers.

Did Harry and Nancy mention this? Not that I can recall. I am truly frightened by this massive intrusion by our government into our most private lives. It sickens me that the very people we elected to represent our needs have enacted a law so obviously anti-American. Can you say "Costa Rica" anyone?