May 13, 2010

Hipocritical Hatred and Ground Zero

A mosque is being built two blocks from Ground Zero in New York against the wishes of those most devastated by the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers by Islamic extremists. The American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, partners in the project, claim work to improve relations between the US and Muslims. They assert that the mosque and its attached community center will reach out to residents of all beliefs and political views, the question must be: Why there?

Granted, the orgasnizations own the land and the construction plans conform to all local zoning laws, but they must know it will feel like a "poke in the eye" to many non-Muslim Americans. If they truly wanted to improve America's view of Islam, they would be better served by publicly rooting out and denouncing all radical Islamic elements of their faith.

Daisy Khan, executive director of the project sated, "It will have a real community feel, to celebrate the pluralism in the United States, as well as in the Islamic religion. It will also serve as a major platform for amplifying the silent voice of the majority of Muslims who have nothing to do with extremist ideologies. It will counter the extremist momentum."

The time for American Muslims to be silent must end if they expect us to respect their religion and their politics. We are not inherently intolerant of Islam, but until their actions speak louder, we will remain suspect.

May 12, 2010

The Assault On Americanism

America is under attack in the place we can least defend it- our schools. Most conservatives have long known that the public school system is controlled by of some of the most radical elements of our society. Self-esteem and fairness have replaced personal responsibility and competition.  Multiculturalism is promoted instead of Patriotism- most schools no longer recite the Pledge of Allegiance. History classes teach about Islam, but shun most things Christian.

But recently, the battle tactics have become more aggressive and full-fledged anti-American sentiment has been outed. Here are a few examples:

On May 5th (Cinco de Mayo), Students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, CA last week were told to either remove or reverse their American flag t-shirts or they would have to leave. The vice-principal claimed it was to "prevent violence" by the Hispanic kids.

On May 9th, Santee High School (LA Unified School District) history teacher Ron Gochez spoke at a La Raza rally at UCLA calling for a Mexican revolution to take back what he claims is land stolen from Mexicans by white oppressors.

On May 10th, a teacher at Gavilan View Middle School in Salinas, CA ordered a student to stop drawing the American flag with the words "God Bless America" written below it claiming it was offensive. Another student in the same class was praised for drawing a picture of Barack Obama in red, white and blue hues.

Now you may be tempted to say "well that's California for you," but understand that California is considered by many state education leaders to be the "cutting edge" of learning ideology. If that is true, we are in for a very tough battle. It is increasing clear that we need to get these radicals out of our school and out of our kids' heads ASAP! Failure to do so will ultimately lead to the destruction of that idea we call America!

Other great posts:

May 6, 2010

The Mexicanation of America

I want to preface this post by being absolutely clear- people should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. I believe in immigration (legal, of course) because I understand American history and how America benefits from the influx of ideas that accompanies legal immigration. That does not mean that foreign ancestral culture should EVER be allowed trump the rights and beliefs of Americans.

Sadly, that is exactly what happened yesterday at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, CA. Five students were sent home by the schools administrators for wearing t-shirts bearing the American flag. According to one of the students, Vice Principal Miguel Rodriguez told them the shirts posed a "safety issue," saying that they could wear them any day other than Cinco de Mayo because we were supposed to respect their Mexican culture.

So what are they supposed to respect? That the "students of Hispanic ancestry" cannot tolerate the American flag? That the American flag is a symbol of disrespect to Mexican heritage? That Hispanic students might turn violent if students express their American patriotism?

At its best, this incident is a clear violation of those five students' first amendment rights. I believe it is more. I believe it is a system process to demonize American values while promoting the notion of amnesty for illegal immigrants from Mexico. By making Americans appear racist, these pro-immigrant ideologues put pressure on our citizens and government to naturalize illegal immigrants for fear of appearing intolerant or racist.

By using the schools as an incubator for this ideology, they hope to indoctrinate a whole generation into believing that America has a debt to foreign nationals, and that there is some inherent right to citizenship in our country.

The administrators at that school should be fired for their anti-American and unconstitutional behavior. But we also need to look deeper into our school systems to root out this reverse racism and ensure that ALL students, including students of American ancestry, are treated with equal respect.

Other great posts:

Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

In 2007, the Democrat led congress drafted and passed a bill intended to placate the America haters around the world in the wake of our "War on Terror." In typical liberal fashion, the law didn't actually do anything but create a "commission" to "study" homegrown terror. However, in the wake of the ruckus over Arizona's new illegal immigration enforcement law, it would be useful to review the language of that law:


For purposes of this subtitle:

(3) HOMEGROWN TERRORISM- The term `homegrown terrorism' means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

(4) IDEOLOGICALLY BASED VIOLENCE- The term `ideologically based violence' means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs.

Based on this language, wouldn't the events occurring during the protest of the Arizona law qualify? The politicians in charge of our country are always quick to tout their perceptions that the Tea Party and other conservative groups harbor racist or terroristic tendencies, but not a peep about those perpetrating actions clearly defined in their own anti-terrorism law. Perhaps the wording should be changed from "group or individual" to "group or individual that we disagree with."

Other great posts: