May 12, 2010

The Assault On Americanism

America is under attack in the place we can least defend it- our schools. Most conservatives have long known that the public school system is controlled by of some of the most radical elements of our society. Self-esteem and fairness have replaced personal responsibility and competition.  Multiculturalism is promoted instead of Patriotism- most schools no longer recite the Pledge of Allegiance. History classes teach about Islam, but shun most things Christian.

But recently, the battle tactics have become more aggressive and full-fledged anti-American sentiment has been outed. Here are a few examples:

On May 5th (Cinco de Mayo), Students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, CA last week were told to either remove or reverse their American flag t-shirts or they would have to leave. The vice-principal claimed it was to "prevent violence" by the Hispanic kids.

On May 9th, Santee High School (LA Unified School District) history teacher Ron Gochez spoke at a La Raza rally at UCLA calling for a Mexican revolution to take back what he claims is land stolen from Mexicans by white oppressors.

On May 10th, a teacher at Gavilan View Middle School in Salinas, CA ordered a student to stop drawing the American flag with the words "God Bless America" written below it claiming it was offensive. Another student in the same class was praised for drawing a picture of Barack Obama in red, white and blue hues.

Now you may be tempted to say "well that's California for you," but understand that California is considered by many state education leaders to be the "cutting edge" of learning ideology. If that is true, we are in for a very tough battle. It is increasing clear that we need to get these radicals out of our school and out of our kids' heads ASAP! Failure to do so will ultimately lead to the destruction of that idea we call America!

Other great posts:


  1. I've probably discussed education more than any other topic at my place. I've come to the conclusion that the public school system is lost cause, and cannot be reformed. It has been built and structured to be an indoctrination machine from the very beginning. Teacher education, curriculum, and administrators at every level are massively liberal. Then throw in the teacher's unions, and it becomes a fortress. Nothing good can come from it. The best parents can do for their children is to remove them from the government schools. I am convinced that there is no other solution.

  2. How any of those are different from flying a Confederate Flag? South lost a war 150 years ago, but some still cannot go over it. Mexico lost California long, long time ago and majority of population is on-board with it. Those examples are cases of stupidity and not liberalism. They are not liberals, they are simply crazy.

  3. The difference is that whether you like it or not, the Rebel flag IS a part of AMERICAN culture and history. The Mexican flag is not. Be that as it may, I agree that people DOING it are crazy. I am more concerned with the Liberal media and leaders that condone and excuse the behavior.

  4. Confederate Flag is a part of history. However for a large part of population it is still a symbol of injustice and oppressions - therefore they might consider flying it insulting. Same is for Mexican flag - it is insulting for some since represents de-facto that there is a Mexican culture deeply embedded into American social fabric.

    Media will pay attention to anything that will increase station's ratings - whether it would be outrageous statements by local school teacher or octo-mom latest stunt. They don't excuse - they just make a profit out of it.
