Mar 31, 2010

Obama's Big Red Flag

Obama's announcement today reversing a ban on offshore oil drilling has red flags flying throughout the Conservative community. Why would he trample on the environmentalist wackos who feverishly supported him? I am convinced that its not to benefit the American economy.

"We're announcing the expansion of offshore oil and gas exploration but in ways that balance the need to harness
domestic energy resources and the need to protect America's natural resources," Obama said.

The truly odd thing is where drilling is allowed- only on the eastern seaboard. Even though drill rigs off the California coast are currently capped and ready to produce, he opted for new drilling in the East.  So why?

With Obama, it must be political. Why would an avowed progressive, anti-capitalism president allow drilling? I believe it's an attempt to lure independents back into the Obama fold, particularly moderate east-coast Republican leaders that Obama needs to pass the cap and tax bill. It is very likely that he will begin campaigning on the virtues of that bill and how his new drilling policy will offset any pain the bill will create.

Suspicious? You bet. Skeptical? Guilty. Disbelieving? With every word that spews from his mouth.

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