Apr 1, 2010

Obama Becoming a Conservative?

In a stunning reversal, Obama announced today that he will NOT seek to implement the new health care law, and will abandon the cap and trade bill coming up this fall. This is a result of three days of consultations with a contingency of Republican leaders headed by Dick Cheney, former vice president under George W. Bush.

"We have come to an agreement with President Obama regarding a new, real spirit of bipartisanship," said Mr. Cheney. "We had an earnest, but fruitful dialog."

President Obama, who held a joint press conference with the former VP added, "I realize that I have not been completely open and honest with my conservative counterparts. This meeting has provided valuable insight and will result in greater consideration and cooperation."

Rush Limbaugh was also consulted by phone during the meeting, and it is rumored that the President and Rush will have a beer together on the White House lawn early next week.

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