Apr 24, 2010


By this simple stroke of the pen, Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona has fired the first symbolic "shot across the bow" that could define the future of America. Over the past 40 plus years this country has slipped away from the tenets of the constitutional framework that guided our country since its inception. This new Arizona illegal immigration law re-asserts the role of the state as arbiter of of its own security, a stinging indictment of a federal government that has failed in its duty to secure our borders.

Arizona now becomes the nexus of a firestorm between two distinct ideologies. Traditional constitutionalists believe that our nation's sovereignty is endangered by the flood of illegal immigrants and its accompanying crime, loss of jobs, and devastating drain on public assets. Progressives envision an America with open borders allowing everyone full access to the rights and privileges of American citizenship, no matter what the cost or consequences.

Obama, as titular head the liberal progressive movement, has called the Arizona bill "misguided," instructing the Justice Department to investigate Arizona's right to enact the law. And rather than take immediate action to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, he reiterated his position that the federal government must immediately enact immigration reform at the national level or else risk "irresponsibility by others."

"That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe," Obama said.

This law is not about destroying fairness- in fact, it supports fairness to those who emigrated here through the legal immigration process. Likewise, it does not damage trust of the police since law abiding citizens will know that they are safer and more secure under this new law.

Over the next weeks and months this issue will loom larger and larger. It has the potential to dwarf all other topics and may become the most critical determinant of the mid-term elections... and possibly of our nation's future.

Other great posts:


  1. I wonder how "fair" this is to the families of those that have been killed by illegal aliens.

  2. Anonymous,


    Educate yourself, the dead don't have the opportunity.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    Thanks for sharing the link on my blog. Its sad to see an American such as Mr. Guadalupe that does not care that we have millions of ILLEGAL immigrants sucking assets from LEGAL residents and immigrants. If Mr. Guadalupe, and all other who proclaim to worry about the potential for misuse of this law did their part to prevent illegal immigration, and to help identify and deport current ILLEGAL immigrants, their arguments might carry more weight.
