Apr 27, 2010

The Main-Stream Hipocrisy

Have you read any coverage about the protests against the new anti-illegal immigration law in Arizona? Rueters, MSNBC, CNN and others show pictures of protesters waving American flags, smiling, and carrying signs in a peaceful, festive manner. Its funny how I have trouble finding any mention of the bottles and rocks thrown at the police, the signs sayinf "Arizona Nazi State" and "Smash the State," or that refried beans were used to smear the word NAZI on the Arizona state capital building.I seem to recall the same media outlets warning about the "hate and racism" and the threat posed by the Tea Party rallies that were calm and peaceful. Its maddening.

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1 comment:

  1. Don't get upset. This should be expected. The truth is getting out, and you just helped.
