Apr 20, 2010

The New Left Warcry

The left has lost the war of ideas. Their insistence on increasing government intervention into every aspect of our lives is meeting greater opposition than they ever expected. Self-proclaimed moderates and freedom-loving Democrats are rising up against government nannyism, and the dedicated left is scared.

So what do they do now? They reconstitute the fear of RACISM. At every turn, leftists are attempting to label Tea Party adherents as racist, sexist, and homophobes with the intent to trivialize the movement and frighten away interested folks.

Each of us has a duty to refute this label. Remind anyone who is interested about Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan. Remind them about Jason Levin, the ultra-liberal middle school teacher who incited other liberals to infiltrate Tea Party rallies with racist signs.

We are not racists. We are freedom loving Americans who want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all!

Other great posts:


  1. "The left has lost the war of ideas". Ideas do not go to war. People do. Also, you only can win or lose a war if you participate. "Left", as you point out, neither declare this so-called war, no participated in it. There for this statement or claim is groundless and unwarranted.

    Further more, your statement about "increasing government intervention into every aspect of our lives" makes even less sense. Government is not an entity which has any will or intentions. People who are the part of government do. The sole purpose of the government is to regulate internal and external affairs of the state and it has no intentions or means to "increase interventions". It should and it will regulate markets, laws, foreign affairs, etc. without which we will slide down to lawless Wild West.

    Lastly - why do you imply in you last sentence that people who do not share your views love their country any less than you do? This is a pure insult.

    Get a life or learn how to write political arguments with a little respect to your own opponents.

  2. Thank you for making your comments on my blog! In typical Elitist fashion, you choose to parse words rather than discuss ideas. However, since you choose to try and play word games, lets review your arguments.

    1. You state "Ideas do not go to war."
    When you say "war of attrition", it doesn't mean that "attrition" is at war. It is a descriptive of the type or style of war. When you say "a war of words," it doesn't mean that words are at war. It means words are being used in the war. Likewise, a "war of ideas" describes the context of the war, not it's combatants.

    2. As far as "The Left" declaring and/or participating in the war, each time a Liberal leader makes an incendiary statement about American citizens, I consider that an attack. For example, last Friday, Bill Clinton warned that the Tea Party movement could result in a terrorist attack on the Government. The Tea Party movement is comprised of regular people trying to get their views heard. His reckless comment could be considered an act of "intellectual war." If you actually paid attention to common political discourse, you would know that most pundits DO consider his comments to be hateful, divisive, and combative.

    3. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, government can be defined as: the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization." It is, therefore by its definition, and entity, which is defined as: an organization (as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members.

    4. Your inference that the last statement is a derogatory towards anyone is absurd. If you claim to be a peace-loving person, should I infer that you are stating I am not? What I made was a clarifying declarative aimed specifically to those who consider the right to be racists. Do you consider yourself one of those?

    5. You need to take some courses in grammar and in logical reasoning. Never join a battle of wits half armed!
