Apr 4, 2010

Who Am I?

I am a young, inexperienced but extremely charismatic man rising to great power in a meteoric fashion. I have excellent oratory skills, and my charismatic personality endears millions of my people. I hold huge political rallies in stadiums around the country to the cheers of millions of screaming fans.

My supporters believe in me without question, and the mainstream media endorse everything I say and do.  Children across the country, both in schools and in community groups, sing songs of praise about me, and I encourage children to take an active role in my political vision.

I was born to a communist father who worked as a government employee, and my father took little interest or responsibility in my upbringing. I have written two books, one about my own life and one about my view of the world. I have wealthy, powerful men backing both my candidacy and my political agenda.

I am an experienced "community organizer," I promote social justice and I demonize the "fat cats" that I believe are ruining the country.  I recommended the creation of a national police force to help maintain order during civil unrest, I support universal health care, and I have associated with antisemitic community leaders. I favor a socialistic society rather than a capitalist one.

If you guessed Barrack Obama. you are correct.
If you guessed Adolf Hitler, you are correct.

Kinda scary, huh?

Other great posts:


  1. I don't know why I came here.

    I don't agree with anything you say and have only been reminded of why I am not and will never be a conservative.

    You draw hasty parallels, sir. Ones that are offensive and historically ignorant. Only meant to stir fear and advance a warped political idealogy.

    How dare you equate Obama to Hitler and thus trivilize the atrocities of Hitler's extermination plan? How dare you fail to acknowlede the fact that Hitler was a fascist (not a socialist, as you claim that Obama is) and operating in a government that wasn't balanced as ours is? How dare you propograte this faulty belief?

    You mislead and that angers me.

    How is Obama an Aryan supremist? How is working to fight the "Jewish problem"? How is he promoting blind nationalism based solely on a flawed view of racial superiority? How are we in Germany?

    Explain it to me, please. Or else shut up.

    You cite websites that skew facts in a an attempt to malign an elected official. You claim that this is patriotism when a few years ago, patriotism was defined as blindly supporting our President.

    You make me dislike my country.

    So, go ahead. Delete this comment. I really could care less.

  2. Sarai, don't worry, I will NOT delete your comment. In fact, I welcome it. It wasn't too many years ago that you liberals were not only comparing George Bush to Hitler, but also calling him America's Hitler, hanging and burning him in effigy, and calling for the "overthrow of the Bush regime." Be that as it may, there ARE parallels. Obama has ostracized Israel in favor of the more radical Muslim countries in the Middle East. He is attempting to natioalize large sections of the American industrial/commercial engine (GM, Chrysler, AIG, Health Care), and has promoted the growth of CHildren for Obama groups. He is a narcissist, constantly referring to himself as the lone savior of the country. Obama refused to acknowledge his white half on his census form, and spent 20 years in a church which consistently denegrated white people (remember "US of KKK, and God Damn America?"). I respect the fact that you disagree with me. Freedom of speech is one of the great tenets of American exceptionalism. But remember, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. You people were ruthless and relentless in trying to destroy George Bush. At least I did not call Obama the name. I simply delineated interesting similarities. I am sure you could do the same for George Bush.

  3. PS- Although Hitler denounced Marxism as the enemy of Germany, his political views were closer to that of Stalin than Mussolini. It was not by accident that NAZI is an acronym for National Socialist.
