Apr 17, 2010

Politically Correct Solution to Political Correctness

On November 5, 2009, US Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and injured 30 at Fort Hood in Killeen, TX. Twelve of the dead were soldiers, and one civilian was also killed. There were many warnings that could have prevented what now appears to be a terrorist act.

So how do you prevent a terrorist attack against the military on US soil? By banning personal firearms from military bases, of course. At least that's what Secretary of Defense Robert Gates seems to believe. In what could one of the most absurd, boneheaded moves by the Obama administration, Gates announced  a new policy placing significant restrictions on privately owned weapons on base.

The plan is clearly another attempt at furthering Obama's politically correct agenda . Will it prevent a dedicated terrorist from carrying weapons? No. Couldn't a military issued weapon be used to kill as just many people? Yes. The sad truth is that this tragedy would have been prevented by properly "profiling" Hasan's risky behavior, irrespective of his race and religion. If the Army had not been hamstrung by  worrying about "insulting" Muslims, they would have removed Major Hasan months or even years before, thereby preventing the shooting.

According to NPR, "Both fellow students and faculty were deeply troubled by Hasan's behavior — which they variously called disconnected, aloof, paranoid, belligerent, and schizoid. The officials say he antagonized some students and faculty by espousing what they perceived to be extremist Islamic views. His supervisors at Walter Reed had even reprimanded him for telling at least one patient that "Islam can save your soul." (Nov. 11, 2009)

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