Apr 15, 2010

Politics Shift to the Right

The continuing right-shift in political ideology is embodied in a recent Rasmussen poll showing 51% of New Jersey voters want Obamacare repealed.

New Jersey, a traditionally liberal/Democrat controlled state shocked the nation when voters elected Chris Christie (R) to replace embattled incumbent Jon Corzine.

Independent voters are driving the shift, making a clear statement they are sick of the government opposing the will of the people. Although national support for the repeal is 58%, New Jersey has come a long way to shed itself of the liberal mantle it has worn for years.

Kudos to you independent thinkers in NJ. Keep up the great work!

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1 comment:

  1. There are a coupler of bloggers from NJ that I follow. They have been discussing some of the changes, and it is amazing. I hope they keep it up.
