Apr 6, 2010

Racism on the Left

The opposition to Tea Party ideals are using a familiar tool- the accusation of racism. A woman named Marti called the Sean Hannity show today and said she'd seen many racist signs and heard many racists statements during Tea Part rally coverage. When Sean asked for specific evidence, she couldn't provide it. She said it was just a "feeling."

To her credit, she acknowledged she had heard racist statements by Jeremiah Wright, and even in her own church. Lewis Farrakhan has spouted as much anti-Semitic and anti-white trash as David Duke ever did about blacks, yet the mainstream media rarely reports it.

I believe that there are some racists in the Tea Party, just as I believe there are racists in congress, and in the "Hispanic community," and in every other group you can list. But I don't believe that because one individual is a racist, the whole group can be painted with the same colors.

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1 comment:

  1. The lame street media can't admit that racism runs both ways.
