Apr 7, 2010

Starting the Devolutionary War

Playbook for preparing a nation for invasion or destruction:

Step 1: Destabilize the economy
Step 2: Diminish personal freedoms
Step 3: Demoralize the citizenry
Step 4: Dismantle national defense capability

The American economy is in a shambles. Massive unemployment, record debt, widespread foreclosures, and the government bailout (takeover) of large segments of the industrial/corporate base. There are direct causal relationships between actions taken by the Obama administration and the state of our economy. The stimulus bill was promised as the be-all, end-all solution to our economic woes. In fact, it has caused a deterioration in individual wealth and small business's ability to hire and retain employees.

Economic distress has increased reliance on welfare, food stamps, Medicare and Medicaid, and  larger portions of society expect the federal government to provide for individual needs. The new health care law is a perfect example of "nanny state" ideology. It doesn't end there. Our government is actively pursuing additional measures to abridge individual rights. The stimulus bill carried very stringent controls over sates and businesses that took the money. Obama wants to limit places that people can go fishing off the coast. The upcoming Cap and Tax bill will place strict rules on the use of energy and gas, limiting how we heat our homes or drive our cars.

As the economy crumbles, and the government incrementally strips away our individual rights, there is an increasing sense of helplessness and doom settling in across the population. There are still pockets of the population that understand and passionately defend the constitution, but depression breeds despondence. It amazes me how many people I speak with ask "why bother?"

Now, Obama has chipped away at the forth pedestal of our sovereign strength- our military. Several weeks ago Obama announced an agreement with Russia to limit nuclear warhead counts to 1550. In 2002, we had nearly 10,600. This agreement decimates our nuclear deterrent capability, while increasing Russia's relative strength. On April 6th, Obama unveiled his new policy on the use of nuclear weapons- specifically, the fact that the United States would never use nukes against a country that lacked a nuclear arsenal and fulfilled followed the UN's non-proliferation agreement.

This pronouncement of intent is a green light for those nations developing biological and chemical weapons. Where is the deterrent if we promise no nukes? Worse yet, the new rules will also limit the development of delivery systems capable of carrying nuclear warheads.Obama touted our conventional weapon strength, but he failed to mention that the very missiles he proposes to limit also deliver the conventional payloads he touted.

I am sure that Duke would not show its defensive playbook to Butler. Wouldn't that increase the risk they would lose the championship? So why would the President of the most powerful nation in the world telegraph our playbook?

If this change in US policy was an isolated decision, we could easily attribute this to inexperience or error. Taken in combination with his attacks on the other legs of society, you have to wonder if there is something malevolent in his heart.

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  1. He did promise to "fundamentally transform" this nation. He just didn't state, clearly enough, what the end-goal is. We know, and it should be abundantly clear to everyone know. Unfortunately, many like a zero-liberty nanny state.

  2. You right wing nut cases are delusional. I hope Obama also makes peace with Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela.

  3. Hi Anaonymous,

    Like most left-wing cowards, you provide no name or contact info. I hope he makes peace with those countries, too. Peace on our terms. not theirs.
